
Doctor Who Tardis Necktie

Doctor Who Tardis Necktie

This necktie is right out of the cult classic TV show Dr. Who. Well not really, but it does look like the call box that is used throughout the series. Unfortunately it might not be bigger on the inside than it is on the outside but the measurements are accurate. A great gift for any true Who fan.

Dress For Success

Google’s $149 Nik Photo Software Now Free

Google’s $149 Nik Photo Software Now Free

Google has made a public announcement stating that they will be making the entire "Nik Collection available to everyone, for free." This is huge news! Within the Nik Collection there are seven desktop plug-ins with a wide range of functions. What was once for professionals only is now for everyone.

Grenade Mug Is The Bomb

Grenade Mug Is The Bomb

Sometimes a regular mug just won't cut it. With this mug you can explode into the mornings and finally get stuff done. Really start your day off with a bang. It's a real live one. Alright I think that's all of the grenade puns I can think of right now. I'm sure I'll think of more after I get out of the trenches.

Check it Out

Playstation VR Pre-Order

Playstation VR Pre-Order

The Playstation VR will be available for pre-order sales on Tuesday March 22nd. This Virtual Reality headset will have a competitive price tag of $399 which is $200 less than the Oculus Rift which is starting at $599. That leaves some money for more games which is always a plus.


Jack Rabbit SuckUK

Jack Rabbit SuckUK

Now I just need to find a friend that likes the same music as me. Or even a friend in general. Well this got depressing really fast. Lets pretend you already have friends and like to chill in close proximity while listening to music. This is for you then. Great for road trips and bus rides.


Lock Pick Training Set

Lock Pick Training Set

When the topic of lock picking comes up, thoughts of spy movies, criminal masterminds, and survivalists flood my mind. Which one are you? Master Thief sounds like a cool title... I mean Spy. Yeah, I mean Spy, not thief. In a perfect world my name would be Danny Ocean.Ocean.


Pac-Man On the Toilet

Pac-Man On the Toilet

I guess I never thought about where the dots came from until now. I wish I didn't know this bit of information. Looks like he is the cause and the solution to a lot of his own problems. Oh Pac-Man, I dreamed of being you one day but not any more. Well... I do own a toilet.


Nintendo Controller Coffee Table

Nintendo Controller Coffee Table

Which ever you prefer you'll be able to play as that because this coffee table is also a fully functional controller. Just don't get mad and try to throw this controller, you might slip a disc. Plus then you're out a good $5,000 and that's never fun either. Just calm down and take a coffee break.


Death Star Tea Infuser

Death Star Tea Infuser

I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in tiredness and were suddenly caffeinated. I fear something tea-able has happened. Good, good, let the tea flow through you. If you caffeinate me now, I shall become more awake than you can possibly imagine

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