
Tiny Worlds Cast in Resin

Tiny Worlds Cast in Resin

As you can imagine no two rings could be alike with this type of jewelry. That is something I like to hear because I like when things are unique. These are made by a Canadian jeweler at Secret Wood and are made from wood and resin. Handcrafted so you know time and skill has gone into each...


Awesome Star Orb Model Kit

Awesome Star Orb Model Kit

It sounds like something out of a science fiction movie. I just imagine an dramatically epic scene where someone yells "we must reclaim the Star Orb" and then there is a huge explosion. This is an awesome 3D model that can be assembled with a little bit of elmer's glue and is described as...

Build It

Cat Scratcher Lounger

Cat Scratcher Lounger

I haven't seen a cat scratcher that also doubles as a place to lounge around. Like cats need another place to do that, am I right? Everything is a lounge area to my cats. It's a really cool idea though by PetFusion. It's good to give your cat some different options on where to flex their claws so that they don't...


Outdoor Swinging Lounger

Outdoor Swinging Lounger

At the end of a long day or week that’s really what we’re looking for. As an adult we just want to have the opportunity to take a load off and relax for a little while. That’s why I’m always looking for places to do that. Just crawl up inside it with a good book (or laptop) by a fire pit or the pool.


Furoshiki Wrap Around Shoe

Furoshiki Wrap Around Shoe

The Furoshiki Wrap Around shoe by Vibram may not be an ideal running shoe as I can't see it providing any ankle support but it would come in handy for a lot of other situations. I can see these being used at weddings, camping, the pool, the beach, cruise ships, or anywhere you need a light shoe.


DIY Deadpool Knife Block

DIY Deadpool Knife Block

I think I am going deaf. No wait there was a knife in my ears. How come no one told me? Now I just feel silly. This is an ingenious concept of taking the superhero (anti hero?) Deadpool and creating a functional piece that also pays tribute to the character.


The Wine Project – Marcos Alberti

The Wine Project – Marcos Alberti

The creator of the Wine Project is an awesome visual done by Brazilian photographer Marcos Alberti. Inspired by the saying “The first glass of wine is all about the food, the second glass is about love and the third glass is about mayhem” this artist tried to capture just that.


Adventure Time Scoop Neck Dress

Adventure Time Scoop Neck Dress

If you don't think you can pull this dress off just remember to not let your brain dial turn your fear filter up. Embrace your love for adventure time. Summer is right around the corner and this scoop neck dress will be perfect for summer cons or daily adventures. I've seen dresses like...


Wood Log Ring Box

Wood Log Ring Box

That's what I would say if I used this box in a proposal. The design is simple and effective. It is made from naturally sourced wood which means no live trees were harmed in the making of said box. I'm just wondering about the bark, is it worse than it's bite? But seriously, I don't want the bark to fall off.

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