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Hamilton Pan Europ Watch

Hamilton Pan Europ Watch

I have to admit that this watch has it going on (much like Stacy's mom). This Pan Europ wrist watch by Hamilton has a very sleek and luxurious look to it even without a leather wrist band. This is a good day watch for any occasion whether it be golfing or out on the water.


Timberland Radler

Timberland Radler

This shoe folds. There really isn't much more to say other than that. I mean there is but if you're not already hooked by the idea of a foldable shoe then what else can I say, right? It's a shoe that folds and it could be yours. What are you waiting for, an invitation? Well there isn't one.


Pac-Man On the Toilet

Pac-Man On the Toilet

I guess I never thought about where the dots came from until now. I wish I didn't know this bit of information. Looks like he is the cause and the solution to a lot of his own problems. Oh Pac-Man, I dreamed of being you one day but not any more. Well... I do own a toilet.


Lunative Electric Apparel

Lunative Electric Apparel

Has anyone ever told you to lighten up? Never again if you're wearing some of this electric apparel from Lunative. This isn't just your run of the mill reflective clothing. We're talking about battery powered electroluminescence wearable light! That's a tongue twister I don't want to try to say again.


Bandit 9 L CONCEPT

Bandit 9 L CONCEPT

When they say limited, they aren't messing around. There are only 9 of these bad boys in existence. The L Concept motorcycle by Bandit 9 is something straight out of an Jules Verne novel. Very reminiscent of a futuristic steampunk society with a hint of The Rocketeer.



Controller Coffee Table

Controller Coffee Table

Which ever you prefer you'll be able to play as that because this coffee table is also a fully functional controller. Just don't get mad and try to throw this controller, you might slip a disc. Plus then you're out a good $5,000 and that's never fun either. Just calm down and take a coffee break.


Espresso Shot Candle

Espresso Shot Candle

This hand made hazelnut latte scented espresso shot candle will make your guests think you opened your own coffee shop. The cup and saucer are dishwasher and microwave safe so it seems as if you could use it as an actual espresso cup once the candle is burnt out.


Death Star Tea Infuser

Death Star Tea Infuser

I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in tiredness and were suddenly caffeinated. I fear something tea-able has happened. Good, good, let the tea flow through you. If you caffeinate me now, I shall become more awake than you can possibly imagine

Panda Coat

Panda Coat

Is there a fancier bear out there than the panda? No. The panda is most comfortable in a top hat and monocle. The movers and shakers in the bear world are panda bears. This isn't opinion. It's cold hard panda facts. What better way to infiltrate their panda high hat society but with a panda coat.





TAVO describe themselves as "art direction, storytellers and creatives." I am inclined to agree with that description. Every piece I see tells a story and invokes a feeling, just as great art should. They really showcase their talents with the different textures and imagery that they use. Check them out.